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School Fees

Monthly Tuition Fee for School Year 2023/24

Monthly Tuition Fee includes the following items:


- Library Usage
- One Student Identity Card*
- Two Parents’ Pick-up Cards*
- One Communication Book*
- Student Portfolio
- Year End Report Card

*In case of replacement, an administration fee of $50 will be charged for each item

Payment of Tuition Fees

Tuition fees are approved by E.D.B. are annual and payable in 11-month installments regardless of school holidays and absences.  Tuition fee is to be paid by the first day of each calendar month payable by direct debit (DDA) from a designated local bank account. The Direct Debit Authorization Form must be submitted to the school at the time the student is officially registered. The first month’s fees are invoiced before the new academic year begin and has taken into account the registration fee parents have previously paid.


Direct debit authorization is the only method accepted to collect your child’s school fees each month. An administration charge of HK$100 will be levied against a student’s account where a direct debit is returned unpaid from your bank for any reasons, or if the direct debit authorization has not been setup successfully.  In case parents refuse to set up direct debit authorization, an administration charge of HK$200 will be levied against each monthly school fees payment.


For students joining after the commencement of the new academic year, fees may be calculated on a pro rata basis, depending on the child’s starting date.

Application Fee

Non-refundable and non-transferable Kindergarten Application Fee of HK$40

Registration Fee

To reserve a seat of the following school year, parents must pay the registration fee of HKD970 when school place is offered. Once the registration fee is paid, it is non-refundable. The registration fee paid will be deducted from the first installment of the tuition fees.

Withdrawal Policy

All paid tuition fees are non-refundable. The school requires *TWO (2) FULL CALENDAR MONTH* advance notice of withdrawal in writing. The Parents are required to pay for their children’s tuition fee up to the last month which the withdrawal notice serves. Alternatively, two (2) month’s tuition fees in lieu will be due and payable as a debt at the rate applicable on the date of invoice whether or not the place can be filled. Calendar month means the period between and including the first and last days of each calendar month. If the last day of study is not the last or the first day of a month, then notice will need to be served more than one (1) month in advance.

Temporary Leave

The parents must notify the school in advance, in writing and with reason for the leave and a scheduled date of return to resume the enrolment. There will not be any refund of the tuition fees for a student on leave. If the student does not resume enrolment as scheduled nor notify the school for further arrangement, he/ she will be considered withdrawn according to the withdrawal policy stated above.

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Galilee International School- Kindergarten & Nursery

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Tel: +852 2390 3000



1/F, Peace Garden

2 Peace Avenue, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon

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