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Weekend Playgroup

(for babies aged 12 to 20 months)

The Weekend Playgroup targets children from the age of 12 to 20 months. GIS playgroup follows the IB PYP (Primary Years Program) framework. Our playgroup programme takes place in dynamic environments that promote play, discovery and exploration. The class core objectives follow the IB PYP approach in developing young learners to take ownership and choice of their learning. Early learning in the PYP is a holistic learning experience that integrates socio-emotional, physical and cognitive development.. Our students will have the opportunity to explore different activities.

Activities including:
- Sing-a-long songs
- Concept Learning
- Sensory / Creative Art
- Physical Play
- Developmental Play



GIS課程遵循IB PYP(小學預備課程)框架。透過遊戲和與同伴、教師、家人和社區成員的關係,探索他們的環境並了解世界。課程核心目標是培養年輕學習者對自己的學習有自主權和選擇權。在PYP中的早期學習是一個全面的學習體驗,整合了社交情感、身體和認知發展。在IB教室,小朋友學習在遊戲、發現和探索的動態環境中。


Class Schedule

Term Starts:  7th September, 2024 (GIS)

Every Saturday  | 1.5hr per class  |  9:30 am - 11:00 am


​Fee: $475 per lesson (payable per month)

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Galilee Early Education & Learning Center

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2 Peace Avenue,

Ho Man Tin, Kowloon

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