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K1 Program

English and Mandarin Program

Our program is targeted at children from the age of 2 years and 8 months to 3 years and 8 months.

Children attend for three hours per day, five days per week.

In our English and Mandarin programme, our children will be immersed in an English-speaking environment. We adopt the PYP (Primary Years Program) Framework. Our program is designed to motivate children to learn through experiences, explorations and self-discovery. Children will be supported by their teachers, peers and the learning environment. There will be equal emphasis put on all six-subject areas, as outlined in the PYP Scopes and Sequences.  

Within the PYP framework, language provides a vehicle for inquiry. In our inquiry-based classroom, teachers and students enjoy using language, appreciating it both functionally and aesthetically. 

Chinese (Mandarin) will be introduced every day for thirty minutes, and it will be taught by our Native Mandarin Teacher. Children will be learning Mandarin vocabulary and concepts related to the school’s Unit of Inquiry. They will be also introduced to reading and writing in Traditional Chinese on a level that is equivalent to the required standards in Hong Kong schools. Classes teaching in Simplified Chinese are also available for non-local students upon demand.

In addition, children will also be taught the Bible during the lessons to familiarize themselves with the bible through story reading and gameplay. Lessons are based on the main emphasis of the biblical books.

The transdisciplinary nature of the programme:

The PYP acknowledges the importance of particular subject areas:

  • language

  • mathematics

  • social studies

  • science

  • arts

  • personal, social and physical education.


The knowledge, concepts and skills that constitute each of these subject areas are documented in detailed frameworks—scope and sequences—that set out the overall expectations for each subject within age ranges, or as a developmental continuum. These documents are provided to schools as exemplar materials.


The PYP also recognizes that educating students in a set of isolated subject areas, while necessary, is not sufficient. Of equal importance is the need to acquire skills in context, and to explore content that is relevant to students and transcends the boundaries of the traditional subjects.


For more detailed information regarding the PYP program, please visit

K1 | 英語和普通話課程


每週五天 | 每天三小時

在英語和普通話課程中,學生將浸潤在英語環境中。根據IB PYP(小學課程)框架,課程包含所有六個科目領域,班主任老師將與學生一起探究及學習六個科目領域範圍內單元和當中概述的所有學科領域。課程旨在通過體驗、探索和自我發現激勵孩子學習。






  • 語言

  • 數學

  • 社會研究

  • 科學

  • 藝術

  • 個人、社會和體育教育



IB PYP 課程意識到,僅僅在一組孤立的學科範疇中教育學生是不夠的。同等重要的是在上下文中獲得技能,並探索與學生相關且超越傳統學科範疇的內容。


K1 Programme of Inquiry 2023/2024

English and Cantonese Program

Our program is targeted at children from the age of 2 years and 8 months to 3 years and 8 months.

Children attend for three hours per day, five days per week.

In our English and Cantonese program, our children will be immersed in an English-speaking environment. We adopt the IB PYP (Primary Years Program) Framework. Our program is designed to motivate children to learn through experiences, explorations and self-discovery. Children will be supported by their teachers, peers and the learning environment. There will be equal emphasis put on all six-subject areas, as outlined in the PYP Scopes and Sequences. 

Within the PYP framework, language provides a vehicle for inquiry. In our inquiry-based classroom, teachers and students enjoy using language, appreciating it both functionally and aesthetically.


Chinese (Cantonese) will be introduced every day for thirty minutes, and it will be taught by a Native Cantonese Teacher. Children will be learning Cantonese vocabulary and concepts related to the school’s Unit of Inquiry. Children will be introduced to Traditional Chinese reading and writing on a level that is equivalent to the required standards in local schools.

In addition, children will also be taught Bible studies during the lessons to familiarize themselves with the bible through story reading and gameplay. Lessons are based on the main emphasis of the biblical books.

The transdisciplinary nature of the program

The PYP acknowledges the importance of particular subject areas:

  • language

  • mathematics

  • social studies

  • science

  • arts

  • personal, social and physical education.


The knowledge, concepts and skills that constitute each of these subject areas are documented in detailed frameworks—scope and sequences—that set out the overall expectations for each subject within age ranges, or as a developmental continuum. These documents are provided to schools as exemplar materials.

The PYP also recognizes that educating students in a set of isolated subject areas, while necessary, is not sufficient. Of equal importance is the need to acquire skills in context, and to explore content that is relevant to students and transcends the boundaries of the traditional subjects.

For more detailed information regarding the PYP program, please visit

K1 | 英語和廣東話課程


每週五天 | 每天三小時

在英語和廣東話課程中,學生將浸潤在英語環境中。根據IB PYP(小學課程)框架,課程包含所有六個科目領域,班主任老師將與學生一起探究及學習六個科目領域範圍內單元和當中概述的所有學科領域。課程旨在通過體驗、探索和自我發現激勵孩子學習。






  • 語言

  • 數學

  • 社會研究

  • 科學

  • 藝術

  • 個人、社會和體育教育



IB PYP 課程意識到,僅僅在一組孤立的學科範疇中教育學生是不夠的。同等重要的是在上下文中獲得技能,並探索與學生相關且超越傳統學科範疇的內容。


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Galilee International School- Kindergarten & Nursery

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Tel: +852 2390 3000



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2 Peace Avenue, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon

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